Marilyn Gardner Milton MA is an accomplished education professional and active philanthropist based in Milton, Massachusetts. In addition to her work as a licensed attorney and education, she is a dog lover that is heavily involved in a variety of organizations.
Marilyn Gardner Milton MA graduated from the University of Connecticut with Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Education. After she graduated from UConn, Marilyn got her Masters of Education (M.Ed) by attending Boston State College and then finishing her degree at Framingham State College. After she completed her M.Ed, Marilyn earned her doctorate in Educational Administration and Supervision (with a minor in Computer Science) from Boston College in Boston, Massachusetts. Marilyn finally finished her education by getting her Juris Doctorate (J.D.) from Suffolk University Law School where she also won the American Jurisprudence Award for Excellence: Commercial Law.
After she graduated, Marilyn Gardner Milton MA immediately put her various degrees to work by starting her career as an educator and an advocate. Throughout this time, Marilyn has played a variety of different roles in various different organizations, from director to a teacher to executive positions. Her first role as an educator began in 1971 when she became a curriculum coordinator, evaluation specialist, and teacher for the Boston Public School system. In this position, Marilyn was in charge of curriculum integration programs for the city-wide standardization of math, science, and language arts. She was also in charge of evaluating the city-wide state and federally funded programs. In 1981 Marilyn became the Director of Technology for all public schools in Boston, Massachusetts as well as teaching.
After focusing on K-12 education and administration, Marilyn Gardner Milton MA made the natural leap to higher education and administration, something that went hand in hand with her becoming a law professor. Marilyn made her first foray into the administration of higher education when she became the Vice-President of Academic Affairs for the Massachusetts Communication College and the New England Institute of Art in 1997, both located in Boston, Massachusetts. In 2001 she became the Vice-President of Academic Affairs for Bay State College, where she organized and managed the campus-wide curriculum and programs. Up until now, Marilyn has been Program Professor and Education Enterprise Associate for Nova Southeastern University, one of the largest non-profit accredited universities in the country.
In addition to education, Marilyn Gardner Milton MA has also been involved with organizations that specialize in distance learning. She has been the Director of Business Development for the USDLA (the United States Distance Learning Association) since 2006. The USDLA focuses on supporting distance learning research, development, and implementation across the country. Marilyn has also won a number of awards and honors, both professional and academic, and is also a public speaker and affiliated professor with a number of educational institutions across Boston.